Let me show you some great ways to protect your hair from sun damage, especially older hair which tends to be more vulnerable to drying out. Here are some great home-made remedies as well as...
Category: How To
As a woman in her early 60s I have never known anything other than curly hair, I actually like my unruly mess of hair, not when frizzy, curly hair can be quite forgiving and doesn't really require...
I watched a short but great motivational you tube video today which prompted me to write this post. I have named the post How To Feel Good Being Alone and had initially intended it to be read by...
Are You Facing Divorce After A Long Marriage – Here Are 7 Tips & Strategies When a marriage of many years turns out to be less resilient than we’d hoped the results can be devastating. You...
Two Choices when looking at best treatment for Bunions, 1/ SURGERY, or 2/LEARNING TO COPE. We will look in depth at learning how you can cope and what to do with Bunions, followed by...
In a previous post we looked at best exercise equipment during which we looked at Cycling and Bikes (outdoor variety). This post is going to look specifically at Cycling for the older Adult, together...